Our Suppliers List
Almost every finished consumer good is made of component parts that come from factories around the world. By the time you receive an item purchased online, you can be pretty sure that it has already passed through many hands (!) before getting to you. So as our name suggests, we think it’s really important to acknowledge at least some of those hands that help us get our jewelry to you.
Below is a current list of our suppliers. We hope that by publishing this list, we can uplift responsible suppliers and jewelers to help make sustainable jewelry more available (and more affordable).

This US refiner purchases jewelry scrap (like shop waste and dental tools) to manufacture 100% recycled metals as part of their Harmony range. They are an SCS Certified Responsible Source, and they also offer Fairmined and Fairtrade gold in support of artisanal small-scale (ASM) mining communities. We love their transparency and collaborative partnerships; most of our wire and sheet metal comes from Hoover & Strong.

Stuller is another US refiner that offers SCS Certified recycled metals, as well as ethically sourced gemstones and diamonds. They are members of the Responsible Jewellery Council, and their facilities take steps to be more environmentally conscious. Stuller is a great option if we need to order both metals and tools at the same time.

Rio Grande ships an impressive selection of supplies from their 100% solar powered facility in New Mexico. We don’t go to them for metals, but we support their efforts towards increased traceability and environmental stewardship. We also love how they support cool groups like Sweeps for CERF+ and the Toolbox Initiative, who help extend the longevity of valuable minerals and tools.

Packaging can be a necessary evil, but EcoEnclose helps by setting more stringent sustainable packaging criteria. We like their specific language and use of metrics to avoid oversimplifying or “greenwashing” their business. Our recycled poly mailers and hemp twine come from EcoEnclose.

Every Many Hands piece comes in a cloth jewelry bag made from upcycled sari silk by women in India. We source these handmade bags through Work +Shelter, an ethical sourcing and cut + sew business that employs and empowers women who have demonstrated economic need. Read our Spotlight on WORK+SHELTER to learn more about how this packaging decision helps us expand our social impact.
We believe that vetting and mapping suppliers is a key component to sustainable jewelry production at any level. As we develop closer relationships with our suppliers, we hope to offer even more detailed tracing of the minerals and materials that make up Many Hands.
If you have any thoughts or questions about our suppliers, drop a line at hello@manyhandsjewelry.com.